I can help you too!

About Me
Who I am
I’m a divorce and life coach, author, speaker, teacher as well as an avid learner about creating healthy relationships and healing from the end of unhealthy ones.
I deeply understand the challenges of an unhappy marriage and divorce. I know the almost paralyzing fear and uncertainty because I’ve been there. My first husband and I divorced after nearly 18 years of marriage. And my journey back to happiness wasn’t easy. BUT I made it.
What I do
After my divorce, I was able to find happiness again, but my search wasn't straight or easy. I made a lot of mistakes along the way and learned a whole lot too. My journey inspired me to help others struggling with all facets of divorce to find their happiness again too.
Who I help
As a divorce and life coach, I work with individuals from the moment divorce enters their minds as a possible solution to the problems they're facing in their marriage (For many, divorce isn't the best answer.) to the next phase of their life, whatever that may be. My clients work with me on things like saving their marriage, healing from infidelity, putting together a strategy for the legal divorce process, co-parenting post-divorce, and ultimately finding happiness again.
To dive deeper into my story, you read it here.

If you're ready to start this healing, living and thriving journey, you don't have to look any further, in me you have found a divorce coach, a confidant, and a resource to help you navigate this uncertain time in your life.
Above you'll find all of the links to my services, advice, and introductory consultation.
But if you're tired of struggling on your own, you can have my help simply by scheduling a consultation with me.
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