August Bonuses

You’re going to love these videos!


I know how difficult divorce is. I know it can feel like the whole world is against you and that your life as you knew it is being taken away from you. It’s horrible to be stuck in the misery of divorce.

I don’t want you to be stuck there. What I want is for you is much, much different.

I want you to feel like you’re cared for. I want you to know that you’re valuable. And I want you to have hope that you will get through your divorce and feel happy again.

It’s because I want this for you so much, that I’ve recorded 3 videos for you. I hope you’ll find value in each of them!

Bonus Video 1: Managing Divorce Recovery

The changes demanded by the end of your marriage are confusing and overwhelming. Primarily because they impact nearly every facet of your life.

And when you’re experiencing so much upheaval in your life it’s pretty normal to feel frightened, alone, and isolated.

This video will give you a structure for making sense of what you’re going through. By understanding this structure, you’ll feel less disoriented by all the changes and even come to anticipate what may happen next. And ultimately you’ll be better able to manage your divorce recovery.

Bonus Video 2: Understanding Your Emotions During Divorce

The emotional journey of divorce is frightening and bizarre. You’ll have thoughts that absolutely terrify you and emotional swings that leave your (and everyone else’s) head spinning.

But feeling completely unlike yourself is pretty normal when you’re going through divorce. This video gives you a framework for understanding what you’re experiencing and will help you feel better about what you’re experiencing.

Bonus Video 3: The 9 Milestones Of Divorce Recovery

Divorce recovery is a complicated and difficult process. It’s easy to feel like you’re going to be stuck in the pain forever.

However, if you use the 9 milestones to help you gain direction for your healing process, you’ll find that your divorce recovery is easier.

And don’t worry if it all seems too hard to go through on your own because you don’t have to. You can be part of a caring community of others who all want to heal from their divorces too in the When Your Relationship Ends (WYRE) workshop.

The next When Your Relationship Ends (WYRE) workshop begins on February 9th. Learn more about the workshop.

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