
"It doesn't matter if you are just thinking about divorce, wondering how to tell your spouse you want a divorce, starting the legal process or on the other side of the legal process and have a signed decree, divorce is scary, frustrating, and completely changes your life. Frankly, it can be overwhelming..." -- Karen
Whether you're trying to recover from a painful breakup or save a marriage on the brink of divorce, divorce coaching is one of the most effective ways to help you navigate the overwhelm of emotions so you can move on with your life.
When your intimate relationship isn't working and you're trying to figure out what to do, you have lots of fears and concerns like:
- You feel trapped because you're afraid your marriage can't be saved and you're afraid of life on your own
- You’re worried that you might not be making the right decision
- You're afraid you'll never stop hurting and never be happy again
- You're so angry at your spouse's betrayal that you're afraid you'll stay angry forever
- You're ready to move on, but your ex isn't and you're uncertain how they'll behave throughout the divorce process and, honestly, that scares you
- You're terrified about what the divorce will do or has already done to your kids
- You're afraid the guilt will never go away
- You're so stressed out that you’re not sure you can even make it through the day
...any of this sound familiar?
I get it. I've been EXACTLY where you are right now. As my marriage came to an end in 2002, I struggled with exactly the same fears. At times, my fears were so great that I couldn’t sleep and was lucky just to get through each day.
But I made it - the hard way. I made it through the nightmare and came out on the other side with renewed confidence and happiness. And, honestly, I’m just a better me now.
My divorce completely changed my life - for the better - although it sure didn't feel like that at the time and it took me YEARS to complete my divorce recovery.
But I'm here to tell you, based not only on my own experience but on the experiences of the hundreds of clients who have done divorce coaching with me over the years, that changing your troubled relationship (whether or not you get divorced) and moving on with your life is so much easier if you actually know what you need to do and when you need to do it. You need a game plan.
When I got divorced, there was no confidant, mentor or guide (aka divorce coach) to help me through every single step of my divorce recovery. I had to go through my painful transition with bits and pieces of help from various people. I was charting my own path and I felt completely alone.
I made mistakes. I made poor decisions. I was caught up on a roller-coaster ride of emotions. I wasn’t able to think clearly about how to make my life better and heal from my divorce. I didn’t have a game plan.
But now you don't have to make the mistakes I made because...
There is an easier way to feel better much faster, to get over your divorce and get on with your life.
You can choose to work with me 1-on-1. You’ll get the answers you need when you need them. Together we’ll develop your personalized game plan for moving on with your life and putting all thoughts of divorce firmly in the past where they belong instead of having them continue to invade your present for months or even years to come.
Coaching is for you if you:
- Work best with personalized, one-on-one attention.
- Want a flexible schedule.
- Want a personalized plan to transform your situation.
- Are ready to work through your situation instead of just talking about it.
- Want a cheerleader, confidant, coach and troubled relationship expert helping you to navigate the chaos and confusion of your current situation so you can get back to being you.
When we begin our work together, I'll challenge your assumptions - especially the ones that are holding you back. I'll encourage you to stretch yourself by assigning you homework specifically designed to prevent you from getting stuck and/or give you clarity. I'll provide you with the resources and knowledge you need right when you need them. I'll be your biggest fan and unafraid to tell you what you need to hear.
In other words, it's my job to support, educate, and guide you as you transition from a life with an unsatisfying marriage to a new and improved life.
For each of your sessions, we will meet by phone. In the beginning, we'll meet at least once a week until we get you headed in a consistently positive direction.
Changing your life whether you stay in your marriage or divorce is tough and sometimes things come up (like a nasty text or an unexpected call from your attorney) that you just need some help with between sessions. That's why I offer unlimited email support to my clients between sessions.
If you're interested in becoming a client, the first step is to schedule your Private Consultation. We'll spend about an hour on a phone call so you can tell me the specifics of your situation and how you would like your life to ideally be one year from today. We'll use that information to put together the beginnings of a plan that we will fully flesh out and start working on in our following sessions