Life After Divorce

A happy couple on a date discussing why dating is not always about finding that perfect person.

Dating – It Is Not Always About Finding That Perfect Person

January 9, 2017

There are other truly amazing reasons to date besides getting hitched again. I can’t tell you how many people (especially men) I’ve talked to over the years who begin dating after divorce for the sole purpose of finding “the one.” You know, the person who really will love them for the rest of their lives…

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Man resting in grass reading a book about the ways to finally stop wasting your time hating your ex

8 Ways To Finally Stop Wasting Your Time Hating Your Ex

December 5, 2016

It makes sense that you hated your ex while you were healing from your divorce. But now it’s time to stop hating your ex so you can get on with your life.

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Woman contemplating leaving her post-divorce protective shell and learning how to trust someone again.

Divorced? The Tips You Need For How To Trust Someone Again

November 21, 2016

Learning how to trust someone after divorce is challenging, but these 7 tips will help you more quickly work through your trust issues.

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Couple holding hands as they embark on their adventures dating after divorce.

What You Must Do BEFORE You Start Dating After Divorce

November 7, 2016

You’re ready to start dating after divorce if you can confidently pass these five signs because you’ll be able to have fun instead of focusing on your pain.

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How Long Does It Take To Be Happy Again?

October 18, 2016

Being happy again isn’t a time thing. It’s a you thing. One of the most frequently asked questions about divorce recovery is “How long does it take to be happy again?” It’s asked not only as a reflection of what seems like interminable pain, but also because there is so much conflicting information out there…

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Woman who’s serious about making resolutions to ensure her life after divorce is fulfilling and happy.

3 Post-Divorce Resolutions You Should Make (And Keep)

October 3, 2016

Divorce is the perfect reason to make resolutions. These post-divorce resolutions are more meaningful and easier to achieve than typical New Year’s resolutions.

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Some Promises Are Meant To Be Broken

September 22, 2016

When you divorce, you’ll make promises to yourself that don’t make sense to keep for the long haul. Last May my husband (he’s my second) and I (I’m his third wife) celebrated our anniversary. But it was an event that almost didn’t happen because of a promise I made to myself after I divorced. When…

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What Makes Gray Divorce Especially Difficult

September 12, 2016

Unlike divorces that happen earlier in life, it’s not the kids. Every divorce is full of challenges, frustrations and problems. But gray divorces (those that occur when people divorce in their 50s and beyond) has a unique set of issues. Most couples who divorce later in life are empty nesters. Their kids are out of…

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A couple having a great time dating after divorce.

11 Tips To Feel Confident Dating After Divorce

August 26, 2016

It is entirely possible for you to feel confident dating after divorce. These 11 tips will explain exactly how you can do it.

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Stop settling and your life after divorce will be as happy as his.

How To Stop Settling And Have A Great Life After Divorce

July 25, 2016

When you stop settling you’ll find yourself surrounded by people, things and experiences that you love. And that will make your life after divorce amazing.

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