Attention: If you’re tired of the turmoil of divorce and just want to know when the pain will stop, you need to read this.
In 30 minutes or less, you can QUICKLY and EASILY pinpoint EXACTLY what you need to do to COMPLETELY get over your divorce…GUARANTEED!
You CAN feel better. I’ll show you how (and how others are doing it).
From the desk of Karen Finn, Ph.D.
Monday morning
On the surface, it seems like it should be so easy, doesn’t it?
You hire an attorney to guide you through the legal process of divorce expecting that once the process starts you’ll feel better. After all, divorce is just a legal agreement, isn’t it?
So why are you experiencing all these painful emotions?
Because divorce is a death – the death of your marriage. The legal part of your divorce may be proceeding and your attorney is there to help you with that part, but they aren’t really able to help you with all the pain.
Does any of this sound familiar?
- You’re tired of hurting and are wondering if the pain will ever stop.
- You want to stop thinking about your ex, but somehow you can’t.
- You’re feeling lost and alone because you don’t know how to make the pain stop (much less how to move on with your life).
So what does all of this mean?
It means you’re in the midst of your Emotional Divorce and you want the pain to STOP!
That’s why I’ve created this product for you.
It’s an inexpensive self-assessment you can take RIGHT NOW that will show you how you compare to others going through divorce AND what your next best steps are to get over your divorce FAST. I’m telling you this tool is PRICELESS!
Who am I and why should you listen to me?
I’m Karen Finn, Ph.D., a divorce expert and coach. I’ve created The Functional Divorce coaching program to help others going through divorce who are struggling with moving on from the repercussions of their divorce and who want to find the direction they need to be confident and happy again. My goal is to help as many people as possible discover how to heal from their divorce as quickly and completely as possible. |
But that doesn’t tell the whole story. You see, I’m divorced. After almost 18 years of marriage my first husband and I divorced. I learned the hard way how to get through divorce to be happy and confident again. My divorce completely changed my life – for the better, although it sure didn’t feel like that at the time.
When I got divorced, there was no single resource I could turn to (someone or something to help me make it through my divorce and all the life changes that came with it). But there wasn’t. I had to go through my painful transition with bits and pieces of help from various people. I was charting my own path – completely alone. As a result, I made mistakes and poor decisions because I was caught up in all the change and not able to be objective.
I don’t want that to happen to you!
Unfortunately, there still aren’t easily accessible and affordable solutions out there for you to use to plot your unique path out of the chaos of divorce.
And, NO ONE has broken this down into an easy-to-follow plan the way I have.
You’ll learn EXACTLY where you are on your path to healing from divorce. You’re going to get a personalized plan that GETS YOU RESULTS once you follow it.
The Fisher Divorce Adjustment Scale (FDAS) will give you a complete overview of where you are with your Overall Adjustment to the End of Your Marriage score and further break your results down into 6 different categories:
The one thing you’ll ONLY get from me (and is the most important) is a personalized recommendation of what you need to do to heal from your divorce as QUICKLY and COMPLETELY as possible.
Once you have this knowledge, you can ACCELERATE YOUR HEALING and STOP THE PAIN you’ve been living with.
Here’s what some people have already said about the benefits they’ve had using their personalized plan for healing from their divorce:
You were quickly able to provide me with some resources and tools…to effectively improve my situation, remove some blockages that were hindering me from moving forward, and developing positive strategies and exercises to empower me.
I feel like a new person, mentally, physically, spiritually, …excited to proactively implement my new gameplan of personal growth…recharged and confident about my future! Thank you, Dr Finn, for giving me a new high energy outlook on life as I prepare for more breakthroughs in 2012!
Roy Krymis
So now you may be wondering:
How is this all going to work? How am I going to get my hands on my personalized plan?
Well, here’s how you’re going to get it:
- You’ll receive a link to a fully-automated Fisher Divorce Adjustment Survey. It consists of 100 multiple-choice questions and will take you 30 minutes or less to complete.
- Once you hit the “Submit Your Answers” button, three things will happen:
- You’ll see a screen with your results and your personalized plan.
- You’ll be sent an email with your results and your personalized plan.
- Someone from my team will contact you to schedule your Bonus – FDAS Debrief Session with me
** Limited Time Bonus – FDAS Debrief Session ($150 value) **
Once you receive your personalized results, you’re probably going to have some questions. That’s why I’m going to give you up to one hour of my time by phone to answer your questions about your results and about how to start taking the right actions at the right time to stop your divorce pain.
This sounds fantastic, but how much is it going to cost me?
For less (probably much less) than what you are paying for one hour of your attorney’s time, you can have the answers you need. For the low investment of $23.50 you’ll be able to pinpoint exactly where you are in your process to heal from divorce and receive your personalized plan for quickly and completely moving on from your divorce. What is THAT worth to you?
I stand firmly behind my products. I KNOW this product has the potential for preventing any more of the unnecessary struggle you’ve been going through with divorce as long as you do the work that’s outlined in your personalized plan. But, just in case you don’t agree, you’ll have until the end of the 2nd class to decide if this is for you. Just let me know at the end of the 2nd class if you don’t want to continue and I’ll refund your investment (minus the cost of shipping and handling). |
Karen has enabled me to see more possibilities and have the courage to reach for things that are important to me. With Karen’s support, I was able to take actions that yielded great results. Karen helped me make plans, encouraged me to proceed with them, coached me through any difficulties along the way and celebrated my successes. Karen has made a very positive difference in my life! — Sue P. |
You helped me to learn to become better organized, less stressed and more efficient. — Mike N. |
Your willingness and innate ability to put yourself in one’s shoes provides you with the unique skills to understand that person’s issues, concerns and needs from their perspective. This ability along with the natural empathy you brought to the table definitely helped me as I grew…and gave me a well-rounded perspective on what it took to succeed… Thank you very much for all the coaching and help you provided! — Bala B. |
Ready to get started? Or do you still have a few questions?
Q: I don’t have the 30 minutes to take the survey right now, should I wait until I have 30 minutes?
A: You can purchase the product now and you’ll have the choice of taking the survey now or waiting. If you choose to wait, you’ll receive an email with your personalized access code for the survey. Your access code will be valid for 7 days or until you submit your survey answers whichever comes first.
Q: What if I start the survey and I can’t finish it?
A: No problem, just use the personalized access code you’ll receive by email and you can take the survey from the beginning. (I won’t save your answers because it’s important that you have a clear snapshot of where you are currently not where you were when you started the survey.) Your access code will be valid for 7 days or until you submit your survey answers whichever comes first.
Q: I’m already working with a therapist, do I need to take this survey?
A: Yes, few therapists will give you a written recommendation for what you can do to QUICKLY and COMPLETELY stop your divorce pain and that’s EXACTLY what this product will do for you.
Ready to get started?
Yes Karen! I want to take the When Your Relationship Ends (WYRE) Workshop and feel better faster. OK. Let’s Recap.Here’s what you’ll get:Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends by Bruce Fisher, Ph.D. and Robert Alberti, Ph.D. A new lesson every week for 10 weeks Helpful homework assignments The friendship and support of the other workshop participants The opportunity to take the Fisher Divorce Adjustment Survey FDAS twice which is a $94 value. 30 hours of your time over the course of the 10 weeks shared with all the workshop participants. (A $4500 value.)
Your payment is processed on secure servers. |
So are you ready to get started? Knowing how to stop your pain and moving on with your life is less than 30 minutes away!
Disclaimer: This product uses the Fisher Divorce Adjustment Scale (FDAS), a self-assessment. As such, no inferences should be drawn regarding personality characteristics of individuals who take the FDAS. This is NOT a “psychological test”.
© 2012-present Karen Finn. All rights reserved under all copyright conventions.