Happy Successful Clients | Dr. Karen Finn

Private Coaching Clients
Dear Karen,
When I was struggling to make sense of the chaotic mix of emotions I was experiencing while going through divorce, I found one book to be particularly helpful. It was called: “Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends.” While it gave me a lot of answers and helped me understand my emotions better, I felt I needed the support of others going through the same struggles. Through an Internet search for divorce recovery groups that were based on that book, I located you. But because of scheduling conflicts, I was not able to join your workshops. Instead, since I felt I needed help right away, I opted to work with you one-on-one over the phone.
When we first started talking, I was an emotional mess! I felt hopeless, lost, grief-stricken, depressed, full of guilt and shame, and could barely function in day-to-day activities. It has been a very long process to get from a position of needing immediate emotional first aid to now being able to think more clearly and having a positive outlook on the next chapter of my life. Along the way, you have been a shoulder to cry on when I needed it, and pushed me at other times when I needed to be pushed. Sometimes you have stopped me from wallowing in self-pity and even called “BS” on me to get me back on track! I have gone from having sessions where I would break down crying to now being able to laugh and joke while talking with you. It’s such a great feeling!
It was a major emotional milestone for me when I graduated from “divorce recovery” to “life coaching.” You got me to that point. I am very glad that I found you. Thank you for helping me! I look forward to living the happy life that you have inspired me to live.
Karen is caring and understanding. She can draw comments and thoughts out of you that you didn't know were there.
Karen is fantastic. She is great at listening and then great at giving unbiased feedback.
What I appreciate most about Karen are her organizing skills, ability to listen, big heart, and excellent knowledge about divorce recovery because of her own experiences.
WYRE Workshop:
Karen is fantastic. She helps the class to keep moving forward and encourages us to talk about our feelings and experiences. ~Anonymous
The best part of the WYRE Workshop was class participation and listening to the other class member's views and opinions so I could see that I wasn't the only person going through this. ~Anonymous
The group discussions let me know that I'm not alone with my thoughts and emotions. ~Anonymous
I love the friends I made in the workshop. ~Anonymous
Taking the WYRE Workshop has been a great experience and I feel so much better now! ~Anonymous

Before taking the WYRE workshop, I was scared, nervous, grief-stricken, afraid of being "reeled" back into my marriage, which I knew wasn't what I wanted. Now, my life is much better -- more exciting. I have more control. I have a plan. I look forward to getting up in the morning. ~Becky Johnson

Before taking the WYRE workshop and working with Karen, I was depressed, scared, insecure, unsure and unhappy. Now, my life is happy and moving on - I no longer dread the future. ~Glenda Beam |
Before taking the WYRE workshop and working with Karen, I was praying that God would lead me to a support group. Then WYRE was offered and I took advantage of it. Now, my life is so much more living. I look forward to a new and different life thanks to Karen and the class. ~Christina B.
The open sharing environment allowed me to see problems in myself that I otherwise would have ignored indefinitely. These issues could have continued to sabotage relationships for a long time to come. Now I have a chance to fix these problems. For that I am grateful. ~R.W.
I'm about to finalize my divorce. I had my last WYRE class on Monday. I only went because Nancy wouldn't leave me alone about taking the course. She took it in Austin after a nasty divorce and she sings its praises. So I said okay, but to myself I said, I'll go, but I don't have to participate.
When I went to the first class, I had a little bit of trouble finding the building. I called Nancy from the parking lot and told her that if I wasn't in the right place, I was going home. Nancy immediately called Karen Finn, the coach, and told her I was about to bolt and to get me out of my car. Karen met me at the door. During the first class, Karen was reassuring and calming.
There are 5 people in my class. At first, we were all inhibited and unsure of what was going to take place. As the classes went on, we opened up more and more each week and we've grown closer each week. These people know more about me than anyone, except maybe Nancy and my family.
When I started the course, I was angry at my husband, very angry, I'm talking madder than hell. Like my mother when she was divorced, I didn't want to let go of that anger. I wanted to feed it and hold it close to me. I was very hurt by his actions and, frankly, I was a mess. I had been deceived, disrespected, damaged, angered, all of the bad things that you can think of. Probably much the way you feel or felt when you were going through your divorce or break up.
Earlier this week, I was talking with Karen and she brought up that angry me who wouldn't get out of the car for that first class. I told Karen that I barely remember that angry girl. It seems like a light year ago. I feel so much better now. I've learned that I need to let that anger go; it doesn't hurt anyone but me.
I've learned to value myself and take care of myself and I've learned self-respect and self-worth. I've made lasting friendships with my classmates and I can talk to them and Karen about anything. For the most part, I'm on the downhill side of this deal.
Oh, and I had to tell Nancy that she was right, I needed the classes and I thanked her for "making" me go and for telling Karen to get me out of the car the night of that first class.
Sorry I've gone on and on, but I want you to know how much you can benefit from these classes.
Before taking the WYRE workshop and working with Karen, I was angry about my situation and unsure what to do. Now, my life is good! I've grieved and am ready to have the best life ever. ~Anonymous
Before taking the WYRE workshop and working with Karen, I was angry and emotional about the relationship with my mother. Now my life is clearer and I am beginning to understand how complex the relationship with my mother was. ~Sharon Nelson (WYRE is for any relationship that ends - not just divorce)
Before taking the WYRE workshop and working with Karen, I was scattered. Now, my life is more pointed in a forward direction. ~Anonymous
Events With Karen:
Before attending the "What To Expect When You're Expecting Divorce" presentation, I was drained. Now, I am feeling better! 🙂 ~C. Jones
Before coming to the "What To Expect When You're Expecting Divorce" presentation, I was confused, had mixed emotions about my divorce, yet was also clear about it. Now, I am knowledgeable about the different phases and facets of divorce and how to cope with it. ~S.M.
Before coming to the "What To Expect When You're Expecting Divorce" presentation, I had begun the divorce process. Now, I have some additional information to help me move forward. ~Joy
Before coming to the "Divorce and Dollar$" presentation, I was worried and scared. Now, I am more knowledgeable about what to do. ~Teresa
Before coming to the "Divorce and Dollar$" presentation, I was ignorant of the extent of what needs to be done. Now, I am more informed and better able to make a decision. ~Kim
Before coming to the "Divorce and Dollar$" presentation, I was interested in details regarding finances and divorce. Now, I would like to find someone to advise me. ~Karen
"Disillusioned With The Fairy Tale?!?" is a very good introduction that anyone considering divorce should be aware of. ~Zal
So much good information. Anyone considering should go to "Disillusioned With The Fairy Tale" and absorb all the helpful information. ~Irma Soto Murry
I appreciate that this "Disillusioned With The Fairy Tale?!?" program is presented in a safe, friendly environment. ~Carla
The "Disillusioned With The Fairy Tale?!?" event covers many topics so everyone who attends will find a connection. ~Carole